Tuesday 28 March 2017

My Top 5 Mania matches

So Wrestlemania is right around the corner (Literally.  It's this Sunday.) So I thought I'd take a crack at ranking my Top 5 Wrestlemania matches. I've tried to vary my choices for the sake of making this interesting but, here we go!

Notable mention to Randy Orton against Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania 31, because that RKO counter made my jaw open so much that it clicked and hurt for the rest of the night. (Didn't help much when DX and the nWo showed up later in the show either)

Number 5: Zack Ryder wins the Intercontinental Ladder match at Wrestlemania 32

This match was a perfect opener. Helped immensely by the Owens/Zayn rivalry which gave it a little more depth, it was the first ladder match that told actual stories at Mania since TLC 2 and X-7. Not only that but it was a classic ladder match with bodies flying all over the place (and I mean that literally when Sin Cara springboards to the outside. Seriously, like, nobody catches him.) Not taking anything away from HBK and Razor Ramon's classic and Wrestlemania X, or The Hardys, Dudleys & Edge and Christian at X-7, but this was the top for me, From Cody Rhodes' (sorry, Stardust) tribute to his Dad, the late great Dusty Rhodes, to the surprising, feel-good Zack Ryder win. Honestly, if you didn't pop while watching this one, you're a bit of a bastard.

Number 4: The Rock defeats John Cena at Wrestlemania 28

Fight me. In seriousness though, I know there have been better matches but this is my list so, yeah, bite me. This is on this list because Wrestlemania 28 was the first was I stayed up to watch. In previous years (since 25) a few of us had gone round to a friends house the next day to watch it. For what ever reason we couldn't do that this year so I resorted to finding a free stream (Oh come on you've done it too) and proceeded to watch the full show from my bed trying not to make a sound as my mum was asleep in the next room. I don't remember it being an especially memorable night but I enjoyed it throughout the most part. But then came (what was built up to be) the biggest match in a generation. All in all, it wasn't a great match but I remember Cena going to a People Elbow and feeling disgusted. He can't win like this. He hits the ropes, comes back and... BOOM! Rocky hits hit with a Rock Bottom for the one, two, three! I wanted to shout but couldn't cause I'd have had a very angry and sleepy Mother standing in my doorway a few moments later if I had. So instead I did it silently. Opened my mouth, shut my eyes and must have looked pretty silly, but I was on my own so no one saw me and The Rock had won so happy days. (Let's just not mention that they lied to us and had the same match the next year... oops, I mentioned it.)

Number 3: Undertaker defeats Kane at Wrestlemania 14

How many of you where expecting this one to so up, huh?! Growing up I didn't get much wrestling stuff for birthdays or Christmas (apart from a Money in the Bank play-set and Elimination Chamber play-set. Thank you Grandma and Grandin), so I was quite fortunate to have a best mate who would let me borrow his DVD's. This best mate of mine had one wrestler he admired more than others, as we all do no doubt. The wrestler in question, is The Undertaker. I borrowed this one certain DVD ALOT. So much so that I knew what was coming next by what the commentators where saying. This match was on that DVD. I was so emotionally invested in the whole Kane/Undertaker story when I was growing up and I guess a little bit of that has stuck with me.

Number 2: Edge defeats Mick Foley in a Hardcore match at Wrestlemania 22

So the last 3 entries on this list have had a somewhat nostalgic edge (no pun intended) to them. This one, is just pure brutality. Edge had done TLC matches and an endless number of Ladder matches before this. We all know Missus Foley's Baby Boy is, quite possibly the most hardcore competitor in WWE history. So... What could possibly go wrong? Nothing and everything. Depends how you look at it. Anyway. I'm quite the hardcore wrestling fan and this was a toss up between Jeff V Matt Hardy at 25, but given that this match gave Mick Foley (and Edge, I guess) his deserving Wrestlemania moment, by sacrificing his body, once again, and getting speared through a flaming table, it gets it's place here. Also how the f**k was Edge able to put Foley through a flaming table after being dropped on to thumbtacks, hit in the stomach with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, which was then pressed against his face? How!?

Number 1: The Undertaker defeats Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25

I mean. It was going to be wasn't it. It's just too bloody good. Wrestlemania 25 was the first Mania I watched all the way through (I think.. at least all the way through properly... Whatever that means) Anyway, it's the match both men deserved, and I don't even think I need to give anymore reasons. Just go and watch this match (either again or for the first time) and just appreciate the fact that both of these men where in their 40's

That's my list! As I said I was trying to be varied with my picks but there could easily have been a number of more Undertaker or Shawn Michaels matches in here. I gave a nod to a few other great matches too, but there you have it.

Be sure to check out the others lists (when they publish them) and keep an eye out for our next podcast



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